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Julia Pugh

Julia is an Oncology Advanced Nurse Practitioner working in Manchester.  Through her work in cancer care, originally as a Clinical Nurse Specialist, Julia quickly became aware of the significant unmet need for patients to get support with the impact of their cancer diagnosis and treatment on their sexual wellbeing and went on to become a dual trained Psychosexual Therapist, a Member of the Institute of Psychosexual Medicine (IPM) and a qualified Member of the College of Sexual and Relationships Therapy (COSRT).

Julia is an experienced practitioner, working in NHS and private health care, and education. Julia is passionate about training other clinicians to talk about the important topic of sexual wellbeing and supporting them to develop their skills and confidence to address this area of care for their patients. In her role as therapist, Julia specialises in supporting people and couples affected by cancer and other long term health conditions. Julia uses a diverse range of tools in therapy with individuals and couples including psychodynamic, psychoanalytical and behavioural approaches. Julia is regularly invited to speak at national and international meetings to patients and clinicians about her experiences.