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Professor Geoff Hackett

Professor Geoffrey Hackett was a consultant in Urology at University Hospitals Birmingham Foundation trust from 1994 – 2020 and Professor of Sexual Medicine at Aston University Birmingham since 2017. He works as a Consultant in Urology and Sexual Medicine at Spire Hospital, Little Aston, Birmingham since 1998.

 He was also as a primary care physician for 34 years from 1978-2012. Professor Hackett was Chairman of the British Society for Sexual Medicine from 2005–2007 and has been on the Scientific Committee of the European Society for Sexual Medicine from 2003–2009, Executive Committee of ESSM from 2015-2017 and  ISSM 2009-2012.

He is currently Chairman of the Ethics committee of the ISSM and  Committee member of the Androgen Society.

The Author of 180 original papers, 5 textbooks, and 16 book chapters on sexual medicine including the BSSM Guidelines on both erectile dysfunction (2018) and testosterone Deficiency (2023), Professor Hackett received the Zorgniotti-Newman Prize in 2012 at the International Society for Sexual Medicine’s World Meeting on Sexual Medicine in Chicago for his work on testosterone deficiency in Type 2 diabetes. He is a past winner of the Duke of Edinburgh Prize for Sports Medicine in 1992 and the Charles Oliver Hawthorne Clinical Prize from the British Medical Association for original research in 1986. His major areas of interest are the links between erectile dysfunction, testosterone deficiency, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular and diabetic risk

QUALIFICATIONS: MBBS Kings College Hospital London 1973, MRCPI 1984, FRCPI 2008, Fellow of the European College of Sexual Medicine 2014

AWARDS: Zorgniotti-Newman Prize in 2012, the Duke of Edinburgh Prize for Sports Medicine in 1992, the Charles Oliver Hawthorne Clinical Prize from the British Medical Association for original research in 1986